Here I am sitting, feeling very lifeless. It's 1 am and it's probably very early to most of you, but it is not to me. I can't sleep, I've run out of tv shows to watch, my friend is not allowed to come over my house on Sunday and there's no one I can talk to on fb.
I should do something productive, but I have no idea what, and if you're thinking of telling me to study you must be mad. One does not simply study during the holidays, not especially when PMR was just over.
My brothers are outside playing Ps3, having the time of their lives. I miss my mum, she just went to Macau today which meant I could have freedom but no. No outing no friends no nothing.
Playing around with my camera just now but got bored. Played MineCraft and accomplished alot of stuff but got bored. Listened to music but ran out of good music. Disturbed my brother but got bored. Watched videos, smosh and stuff but got bored. ate maggi but it's finished and I'm regretting for eating it now. Done sit ups and stuff but got tired. Tried to make a pikachu doll but failed and got frustrated. Asked Kar Menn whether she was going to the outing next Wednesday but she did not reply. Hey I saw that you 'seen' that kay. How hard is it to reply with a simple yes or no I have no idea. Combed my hair but its probably not a good idea cuz I can see alot of hair falling of :'( Blogged about being bored but kinda bored of blogging now. I really should get a life, or get some sleep.