My brother celebrated Children's Day at his school recently. Thinking of Children's Day brings me back to primary school days, beautiful memories. There was the speeches which sucked LOL. There was perfomances, and most importantly the feast. Glorious food, playing around, and we get to bring back alot of food back home! It was no doubt every kid's most looked forwarded day at school.
So when my brother came home from school, we expected him to be really happy, talking about his great day, showing us the food he had brought back. Instead, he looked sad. SAD. Why? Apparently, his classmates decided to be scumbags with only a few of them bringing food to school. And the food they brought were not even enough to distribute to the whole class! Their teacher also did not appear to care about this special day, like whatever lah simply can dy. Really? On children's day?
So yea my brother brought food alright. But he didn't. get. any. Those scumheads distributed to every one in class except for him and some of his friends. I'd say is his class monitor is not doing her job right. How could they be so cruel. Look at my neighbor. She's in the same class with my brother, she didn't bring anything yet she brought a whole bag full of stuff back home. That's unfair!
How could they like do this to my brother? One of his friends was so sad he was crying. On Children's Day. What kind of attitude their teacher is showing to them? I feel so bad for my brother. He looked so forward to that day, and got nothing but dissapointment back. WTH. Screw those kids in his class.
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